Texas Presbyterian Foundation
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It’s not really about the money. It’s what we do with it.

When the Rev. Laureen Suba was in the seventh grade, her Girl Scout troop raised enough funds from selling Thin Mints and Tagalongs for a day trip to New York City. While that fundraising activity taught her about sales, funds and profits, a more impactful lesson was about to take stage.

When Suba’s troop arrived in the city, they ventured to Radio City Music Hall to see a performance of the musical comedy Hello Dolly! After a spectacular opening from the Rockettes, Ethel Merman took the stage in the leading role with Louis Armstrong at her side. Among the memorable musical numbers that were engrained into Suba’s memory, it was a particular line from Dolly herself that made a true impact – Money is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless it’s spread about, encouraging young things to grow.

It may be surprising to learn such an insightful lesson from manure, but that line stayed with Suba for more than 25 years as she entered a career in banking. Now she’s entered a career of vocation in ministry, where that same lesson has taken on a whole new meaning.

“It’s not really about the money. It’s what we do with it,” Suba explains. “We steward God’s gifts to us and give them away. This is what it means to follow the cross. Help others, teach others, pray with others, preach and live the gospel.”

Suba lives by that message today as a member of TPF’s Board of Directors. “The people and foundations that entrust their gifts to us, and the staff who manage and do the work, all play a part,” says Suba. “Each of these acts contribute to that Holy space where we enter into, and do the work that God meant us to do.”

She remains grateful for the generous and compassionate people that Christ wills the staff of TPF to be, always remembering the lyrics sung by Armstrong – “Hello Dolly. This is Louis, Dolly. It’s so nice to have you back where you belong.”